Rosalia’s compassion, healing insights, and modalities are woven together to serve others to their greatest benefit. Decades of experience, conditioning and self care as an energy activator, and prolific dancer has inspired her to create for others, a balanced joy and wellness map. Rosalia shares gentle energy work, moving meditations, and ritual. Her certifications include Esalen Massage Therapy, Energetic Healing, Universal Life Monastery Ministry, and GTYS Yoga Teacher. Rosalia’s mindfulness for her community and passion for moving meditation began as a child. Inspired by her wilderness home, and wise teachers, she continues Elemental Initiations for her tribe through rites and Prayerformance. Rosalia administers her healing touch and guidance, inspiring others to find their own path to a healthy energized life.
Moving Meditation & Dance:
music relaxation & nature connectivity; breath focus, soft strengthening movements and music help you explore and connect the realms of your body, mind and soul (inside or outside (wear soft sport shoe), and comfortable layers)
Energy Attuning:
relaxation & vitality tending; energy and chakra alignment and chelation, use of activated stones and scents (on table, wear comfortable layers)
Electro Smog Clearing:
digital age cleansing & ion balancing; energy attuning and guidance, chelation, and use of activated stones (on table, wear comfortable layers)
Elemental Initiation:
self care ritual & connecting to nature, returning to tribe;
A rite of passage initiating your connection to the 5 Elements.
Rosalia invites you to nurture and empower your most divine self.
Rosalia will guide you in awakening your harmonious relationship with the Elements.
She channels the energy of earth, metal, fire, wood and water, and uses chelation and activated Big Sur energy tools, such as jade, sea water and herbs for your passage. She has spent her life completely immersed in nature, downloading the divine wisdom of mother earth. Rosalia knows all Earth’s creatures are royal. Rosalia anoints you, crowns you and bestows upon your your personal Element Totem. (inside or outside, wear comfortable layers).
Do you need a compassionate minister for your marriage, honoring or remembrance?
Allow us to host an elegant, natural communion for your special moments and help you create hearfelt memories. Have your own earth ceremony to remember a loved one, celebrate a birthday, open your festival or event, or get married with the blessings of Mother Nature. Rosalia is an ordained minister, she studies at temples and monasteries locally and world wide. With the guidance of elements, she channels especially for you, earth ritual and eloquent heartfelt blessings. Suitable for all faiths and philosophies, Rosalia’s open heart and compassionate language warms all.
Enjoy your personalized herb-lore, guided meditation and Gentle Yoga sessions.
Just right for a personal growth journey or for a business group to connect and unwind. This connected practice can calm the bridesmaids and bride before the ceremony or is the perfect gift for your friends at anytime. Rewarding for most ages and skill sets. Let your healing and happiness begin, book your yoga engagement today.
Schedules & Request Rates
All sessions can be scheduled in 1/2 hour increments, (Suitable for most ages, body types, budgets, beliefs, schedules and skill sets)